Help Plants Survive this Heat
It is summertime in Texas and that means we are in for some serious heat. Landscape plants fare a bit better than us humans out in the heat all day. However, there are still a few things you can do to help them not only survive, but thrive.
Be water wise. Encourage deep root growth by watering for longer periods of time less frequently. Short, frequent watering keeps most of the roots at the top layer of the soil where they will dry out faster and stress the plant more. In order to get the water deep into the soil the irrigation should provide at least 1′ of water twice a week, or 2″ once a week.
Fertilize. Even plants need food during the summer. Feed them with a low nitrogen, slow release fertilizer. you do not want to encourage a lot of new growth right now. The idea is to feed the foliage that is already there.
Protect. Spraying a liquid solution rich in micro nutrients will help protect the plants from the heat and encourage beneficial organisms to hang out. Key ingredients should be seaweed and molasses. Just watch the nitrogen content. It should be a 1 or below. Also, always apply liquid to the foliage in the early morning before temperatures rise to avoid burning the leaves.